Volume 23 No. 2 Spring 2022
Portland Community College
The ESOL Ambassador
The ESOL Ambassador is a triannual publication of the Sylvania ESOL
Department. Essays are written by students at all levels of the program and submitted
for publication by ESOL instructors.
Subscriptions: The ESOL Ambassador is distributed to various individuals and
departments at PCC. If you wish to receive issues regularly, please contact Sarah Bailie
by email at sarah.bailie@pcc.edu.
Editor: Sarah Bailie
Editorial Board: Luciana Diniz
Assistant to the Editor: Neda Ahmadzai
Graphic Design: Ahmed Ali
Cover Art: Daniil Voronin
Cover title: To my friend Ryan Coulson. Pacific Beach. Canvas, oil. 50x40 cm. 2022
Special thanks to these ESOL instructors
for submitting student work:
Luciana Diniz, Penny Jahraus,
Heather Kalowsky, Ellora Maitra,
Jennifer Snyder, August Stockton,
Ana Vitale, Kenya Zappa
Interview with Daniil Veronin: Featured Artist and ESOL Level 2 Student
My name is Daniil Voronin, and I was born and grew up in Russia. Six months ago, together
with my wife and daughter, I came to the USA. We moved here to develop our project called
artclever.com, which is a creative online education platform. Our mission is to make education from
professionals accessible to everyone, all over the world.
I have loved to draw since childhood. As a child, I watched my brother when he was drawing
and tried to do the same. Then I went to art school, and after graduation, I went to art college, and
then to an art institute.
As a child, I liked to draw horses as I spent all summer in the village and often rode a horse.
When I studied at college and university, we often painted still life and people. Now I am more
interested in contemporary, modern art, and lately, I have been preparing for my exhibition.
Art is an opportunity to express what you see, to speak your language using a picture, and to
express your feelings. After university, I worked in different companies, but still I was more
interested in the creative direction. Once I owned a gallery, and then it grew into a cafe gallery,
where visitors could not only eat but also buy paintings. After these projects, I worked in marketing
for a long time and then my wife and I decided to create an educational project called artclever.com.
All this time I have been dreaming of doing more with my own creativity. I hope now is the
time to express my creative potential.
my projects:
ESOL Level 1 Students Write about their Favorite Person
My Favorite Person
My sister's name is Nadima. She lives in Afghanistan, and she speaks Dari. She is short. She
eats eggs and bread for breakfast. She goes to bed at 11pm. She cleans her house on Saturday. I like
this person because she is my sister. She is a teacher.
Written by: Tahmina Ibrahimi
My Favorite Person
My favorite person is Carol Powers. She lives in Portland, Oregon. She speaks English, and
Coral is tall and beautiful. She eats oatmeal and drinks coffee for breakfast. She goes to bed at 10pm
on Saturday. She reads the newspaper and visits her family. She is retired. I like Carol Powers
because she is my mom.
Written by: Fawad Ahmadzai
ESOL Level 2 Students Write about Other People
Banys Family
My name is Bany Orozco. I´m 44 years old, I´m married and I have a daughter. I work in
landscaping. My wifes name is Katty. She is 30 years old, and she works in a technology
company. My daughters name is Sury. She is 9 years old, and she is in 4th grade at school. I take
care of her during the night and my wife in the day. We have a pet. Her name is Luna, she is 10
months old, and she likes to play with our daughter. We live in Tigard Oregon. We love to live in
Written by: Bany Orozco
Jackie was very busy last week. She studies at PCC. She studied last weekend for an hour and
a half. She likes her school. She visited her father-in-law. She watched TV, the True Crime Show,
and she listened to oldies music. She called her husband. She doesnt work. She cleaned her
daughters room, and cleaned the kitchen. She ate fettuccine pasta with broccoli and meat.
Written by: Jane Zarate Ayala
My Classmate
My classmates name is Erika. I talked to her last week because we are in the same English
class. Last weekend, she studied English about one hour at home. Then she visited her parents. Also,
she watched TV at night. She likes music, so she listened to Adele last weekend. She called her
parents last weekend because she didnt work. She used her computer to do her homework and
check her email. She cleaned her house 2 or 3 times. She doesnt like cooking, but she cooks pasta
sometimes. I was happy to meet her.
Written by: Akhtar Taghizadeh Toosi
The Experience of the Weekend of Samah
Samah is a level 2 English student at the PCC. Her weekend was busy. First Samah studied
last weekend. She studied for 3 days. She is a good student. She didnt visit anyone. She watched TV
last Friday, and she watched movies in her living room. Samah listened to Arabic music. She called
her mom last Friday. She didnt work, but she worked in her house. She used the computer to study
English and to send her homework to Kenya. She cooked dinner from Monday to Friday last
weekend, but she ate out on Saturday and Sunday. Samah ate Chinese food.
Written by: Yolanda Prieto
ESOL Level 2 Students Write about Important Days
My Vacation
Im in the Dominican Republic on vacation. It has been a good vacation because I'm with my
daughter and family. When she saw me, she was very excited. Her eyes were sparkly big and smiled.
I was more excited because I saw her for the first time in two years. When the airplane landed, I
knew she was there waiting for me, so I walked fast so that I could see her again. My vacation is
almost over, so Im excited again. I am excited because Ill see my husband again after one month
without him. I hope he can join me on my next vacation.
Written by: Raynise Ayers
A Happy Day
A happy day was two years ago, when it was my 21st birthday. I went to live alone and drank a
lot of beer because it was already legal in the United States. I was very happy because in two years, I
had saved enough money to live alone and buy my first car.
Written by: Scarleth Mejia
My First Day in the US
Im from Guatemala. I came 10 years ago. On my first day in the United States, I ate a
hamburger with French fries. I didnt like the hamburger, but I ate it because I was very hungry - my
son and me. It was very difficult for me to get here, to the USA. The language and the weather are
very different from my country. In my country, it is very hot, and Oregon is very cold.
I remember when I came to the United States, I only had one sweater for me and one sweater
for my son. I was so sad. I came on October 20th, when the cold season begins here in Oregon. I
applied for work. Fortunately, after 2 weeks, they called me, and I started working. I cleaned some
stores like Safeway, Abertsons, etc. My life was so different in those moments because I worked only
6 hours a day, but I started at 12am and ended at 6am. I took the bus every night to go to work. The
last bus passed at 10pm. When I walked to the bus stop, I was very scared. I didnt sleep all night.
When I came home, I needed to take care of my son. I made him breakfast and played with him. He
was only 4 years old. Unfortunately, I only slept 4 hours a day - from 5pm to 9pm.I lived many
adventures, both good and bad. But today, I can say that every sacrifice was worth it, and I feel
blessed by God and my family.
Written by: Lesly Rodriguez
A Happy Day
A happy day was 3 years ago, when my mom was surprised that she could enter this country. I
went to California with my husband, sister and brothers to welcome her. I felt very happy and excited
because we were together. We went to Long Beach. It was the first time my mom saw the beach. She
was very happy. We walked all afternoon, and then we ate fish and drank beer and coke.
Written by: Angelica Jardon
Sketch by Alexandra Salas
ESOL Level 2
ESOL Level 2 Students Write about the way their lives have changed since coming
to the U.S.
My New Life in Portland
I have been living in the beautiful city for seven months. I love the rain, but not the cold. I feel
happy with the change in my life, only I get desperate because I dont know English. Thats why I am
studying at PCC. I am finally valuing the diversity of this country.
Written by: Dayanara Nunez
My Life in Portland, Oregon
My name is Shukrea, and I moved to the United States from Afghanistan 5 years ago. I have 6
almost 7 children in total. I have 5 daughters and one son, with another one on the way. When I
moved to the USA, my entire life changed. I felt like I was starting a new life, which I was, and it was
the best day of my life. Now I cant believe so much changed in my life. My husband has a job now
and my kids go to school safely. Im so grateful.
Written by: Shukrea Noori
Shukreas Pictures of Afghanistan
My Life is Different in the US
I have lived in the US since 2017, and my life is different. I live with my husband and my son
in the US. My son lived in the US four years before I arrived here, while I still lived in Brazil with my
parents, he lived here with his father. Now I am married, but I was not married in Brazil. I studied
Computer Technology at a university in Brazil. Now I don't go to a university anymore, I study
English and I also work with house cleaning. I like my new life in the US, because my family is
together again, but I miss my parents and friends in Brazil.
Written by: Marta Santos
My Life in the U.S.A.
I came to the US in 2018. I left all my life in Mexico. Im talking about my parents, my
brother, my home and my friends. Today I live in an apartment with my daughters and my dog. I
have had a different lifestyle since I got here. I do many things that in my country I did not used to
do. I work 5 days a week, I cook, and I clean my house every day. I take care of the expenses of my
house and my daughters. In my old life I used to have service and I did exercise. I had time to have
fun. I spent time with my family and I had time to sleep. It's sad to think of my country now. Here
in the US I don't have time to do exercise and I don't go out to have fun. I see very little of my family
because I have a lot of work. Everyday I try to think of a better future for me and my daughters and
then although the work and the little time I have, I will try to do and be better everyday.
Written by: Rubi Gomez
First Snow
I am from China, and I lived in Guangdong. Guangdong is in the south of China. So, it doesn't
get snow. I and my son came to the US 6 months ago. I live in Portland now, and it snowed last
month. We made a snowman in our backyard . This is the first time we did that. We were very
happy, because the snow was very nice. I love snow, and my son also loves it. He hoped for snow
every day, but it only snowed for a few days. We hoped it would snow again.
Written by: Jieyu Chen
Jieyus Picture
Many Changes in My Life
I am grateful to live in this country. For us it is the country of opportunities. I always thought
this country was blessed by God. We came looking for a better life, and here there is everything in
abundance- a lot of difference from my country. My father died when we were children and for my
mother it was not easy. We were three children and sometimes we didnt have anything to eat and
we lacked many things. Sometimes I would think to myself and say that when I grow up Im going
to work so I dont live what I lived as a child. It is not easy when you are a single mother and in your
country there are no ways to survive.
For this reason we left, but its hard to let your family start over when everything is different,
even the language. When I was 15 years old I had my daughter. Eight years later I decided to come
to this country, looking for a better life for my daughter and my siblings. When I got here I worked
two jobs and I worked seven days a week. Now I only have one job because my goal is to learn to
speak English. I already understood that the most important thing is communication and for that I
need to learn the language. Sometimes I get embarrassed when people are talking to me and I cant
communicate with them.
Now I am happy in this country because I have a very different life than the one I had. I have
my two daughters with me, and my siblings. I am grateful to God for how beautiful it is to live here.
Everything was fine, when suddenly one day there was news about the pandemic. I never imagined
that this would change my life, but six months later my brother died from the virus. I wanted to die
too and I don't accept what happened to my brother. He was a doctor, a teacher and dedicated to
work and study. My brother is in the photo next to me. For me there is no future because my brother
always studied and worked for a better future but that future did not exist for him. Sometimes I
realize that my brother left this world too soon and forever he will live in my mind and heart until I
die and see him again.
Written by: Lucia Solano
Lucias Photo
New Experiences
I am Venezuelan, I am 39 years old, Im married, I have two children, I have four siblings and
my life is different since I arrived in the United States 6 months ago. The first difference is: my job,
because I was a dentist and now I have a house-cleaning job. The second difference is that now I
study English and I didnt study English since school. At this time I only read and answered
questions, but now I also listen and try to speak it a little. Another detail is that now I use the GPS to
drive and go from one place to another and before I didnt use the GPS. In my country it is almost
always summer. Here I met fall, winter and spring is not far away. Im still adapting, but I like my
new life in the US because I have opportunities to study not only English; there are also
opportunities to study as a dentist. Best of all, I have the support of my family, and everything is
easier and more beautiful.
Written by: Ligia Acosta de Fuentes
The Sun Shines in Oregon
It's been two years living in Oregon. We are a Chilean family that decided to live the
experience of living in another country. We lived in Santiago, a very populated city with a lot of
concrete. There are many differences between Santiago and Oregon, starting with the contact with
nature. We are happy in Oregon. Here we have more activities, more family time, the people in
Oregon are friendlier and without the stress of a big city. Family, friends and our customs remained
in Chile. Sometimes we miss them.
Written by: Felipe Simunovic
Felipes Picture
My New Life in the US
I'm from Vietnam. Before I came to the US, I lived in Vietnam for 22 years. I left my country
with sadness and anxiety. I came with my mother and my brother. Time passed by and now I have
lived in the US for 2 years. Honestly, I feel everything is too difficult for me. From language, work
and place of residence. I used to think that I should give up and go back to my country. Somedays, I
was thinking, starting a new life in another country isn't always easy.
When I started studying at PCC, I met friends, I shared difficulties and I realized that we are
all the same, and were all trying to live more positively. Everything takes time, so all difficulties will
pass. And I gradually feel a little better and live more positively. Now, I can drive anywhere, I can do
my job well, and finally Im a student at PCC. I hope I will forever work hard and live more positively
for my future.
Written by: Hannie Nguyen
Changes in My Life
Im from Veracruz, Mexico. I lived in Mexico for 22 years. I came to the United States in
2000. I was a student and single while I lived in my country. I had free time to share with my
family and friends. I felt free and happy, and I also had much family to visit. I didnt work. Now in
the United States my life is different, because I always keep busy. I got married in 2003. I have three
children. I work Monday to Friday. Even though I dont have all my family in the United States and
enough time, I have my children, and they make me happy.
Written by: Fidelina Urbina
Our Lives Change
When I stayed in Japan, my husband and I got married. We did not have enough time to
spend with my family, because my husband and I were very busy with work and study. However, we
can make more time to spend with family after moving to Oregon. Sometimes our family visits
somewhere such as Astoria or Seattle. Thats why I feel so happy right now and I love to live here.
Written by: Ta Thi Thu Ha
Thu Has Picture
ESOL Level 3 Students Write about Meaningful Days
I Will Never Forget
I will never forget the day I felt pain and happiness at the same time. I have two children.
They are very wonderful for me. My older childs birth took 10 hours. I will never forget how strong
my son was when I breastfed him for the first time. So loving. My younger childs birth took 4 hours.
The first time I held her in my arms when she was born, she opened one eye and looked at me. I will
never forget my daughters pretty eye. Thank you for a great time.
Written by: Naomi Katagata
Special Experience
My special occasion was a free lunch. It was a normal Sunday. When my family went back
home from church, we went to buy our lunch from the drive-thru at Burger King and then go back
home. When we prepared our bill, the service lady said He paid your bill!Wow! Whats that mean?
Who is he? What happened? This is the first time we met. We felt very excited and surprised.
Unimaginable that a stranger paid our bill.
We talked about this special thing in the car, I asked my family, What do you think?My son
said, Maybe next time we can pay for other people because that is very fun and joy.Yes! I think that
is a good education for children on how to share. It was very special that it happened to be my
birthday Jan, 24th, So that is my special occasion.
Written by: Joyce Lin
Life is Not a Game
That afternoon my perspective changed about life. That afternoon my father and I went to the
mountain for firewood. My father took branches from the ground to not damage the trees because it
wasn't necessary to cut a tree with so many branches in the ground. I didn't help because there were
spiders and scorpions, and I have a phobia for arachnids. I only waited and saw the ants, but then I
remembered that my cousin gave me a slingshot. I decided to use it like the other people and aim a
bird to kill it. My father watched this and decided to explain to me to put my mother in the position
of the bird, and if I do, it is not different from killing someone I love. Something else my father
taught me is to not let myself be guided by others. With this I understood that everybody has
someone who worries for that person and not to damage others because I wouldn't want someone
else to do that to my family. When we returned home I burned the slingshot. After this I taught this
to my other cousins, but they didn't change.
Written by: Pablo Vidal Guerrero
Olivia and Antonios Wedding
Our wedding was a very special day. The reception was on December 30, 2008, in Mexico.
Many cousins and friends came from other cities. Our whole family was there. More than 250 people
were invited, and we were very happy. The food was delicious and a lot. The menu was carnitas,
mole with chicken, turkey and rice, and the drinks were beer, tequila, sodas and water. The music
played typical band and mariachi. Antonio and I danced to different typical wedding songs such as
La Vivora de la Marand one special song with our family and friends. My dress was pretty. I liked
that my husband wore a black suit. Everything in the celebration was incredible: decorations, the
flowers, the dance, the celebration in the church. The most important was the celebration in the
church, and our families shared it with us. Something good was that the next day there was a lot of
food from the wedding, and my in-laws gave food to the neighbors. Now we have been married for
13 years.
Written by: Olivia Hernandez
A Trip to Mt. Hood
I had a nice trip to Mt. Hood in winter. I came to the U.S. four years ago, but I didnt go to Mt.
Hood in winter. I wanted to see snow on Mt. Hood. So my wife, my son, and I went to Mt. Hood on
December 20th, 2021. We wore down jackets, boots, gloves, hats, and sunglasses. We drove to Mt.
Hood in the morning. It rained and snowed when we went, but after we arrived at Mt. Hood, the
rain stopped and the snow stopped. The snow covered everything. We walked on the snow. We
walked through the forest. There were not any flying birds. There were not
any jumping animals. It was so quiet. I could hear that the snow sang
when I walked. The snow laid soft on the ground. The snow was very thick.
We walked on the snow, sometimes it was covered over our knees. It was
the first time I saw such thick snow. It was a white world. It was a quiet
environment. It was an amazing picture. I will never forget it.
Written by: Qiang Wang
My 15th Birthday
I remember a special occasion that happened 15 years ago. My parents, grandparents, uncles,
and cousins organized a party for me. It was a special occasion because all the family was together.
My party was near the beach. There was a menu of food and different drinks. I wore a long red dress.
It was a special occasion for me because I didnt expect something like that. It was fun and
special that day because we danced and laughed a lot and also because all my loved ones were
together on that special day.
Written by: Yajaira Cardenas
The Happiest Day
I have two children, and my children are my happiness. When I gave birth to my first child, I
was 30 years old. I was very worried. I had to prepare all things for my baby: baby clothes, towels,
diapers, etc. My mom, my sisters, and my mother in-law were worried, too. My husband said: We
will have a little angel, dont worry, my love.I was in the hospital. When my baby came, the doctor
said: It is a girl.I looked at my daughter. She had white skin and some hair on her head. She cried
a lot. I no longer felt pain and tiredness. I cried and I was very happy. Everyone in my family was
happy, too. Now, my children are adult children, but I will never forget that day. It was the happiest
day in my life.
Written by: Minh Hoang
My First Baby Shower
I remember my baby shower was on Saturday, March 29, 2014. This day was very special
since we received my daughter Sahily together with my family and friends. We decorated with pink
balloons and other white decorations. The party was in a very nice hotel. The guests brought many
beautiful gifts for my daughter, such as a stroller, clothes, toys, a bathtub, pajamas, etc. We were very
happy that day. We played fun games and danced. Traditionally, baby showers are only attended by
women, but mine was different because men attended since I have many male friends. It really was a
special moment that I will never forget.
Written by: Carolina Martinez
My Honeymoon
My honeymoon was great and funny. We went to Texas in July. We stayed in a hotel. The
weather was hot, but it was nice. We went to a lake and to an amusement park. We had a great time.
The food was delicious. We went to a lot of restaurants. The best food we ate was seafood and
chicken. We also went shopping and bought clothes and shoes. We liked the shops and the prices
were good. We visited a zoo. There were a lot of kinds of animals. We saw rabbits, lions, fish, snakes
and other animals. It was a great experience. I hope to visit Texas again.
Written by: Hawraa Alogaidi
Chinese New Year
Last years Chinese New Year was special to me because it was my first time leaving my
country to spend it in the U.S. Chinese people usually call the new year the Spring Festival. During
the Chinese New Year, it is a traditional Chinese custom for family members to get together to enjoy
the holiday. Due to Covid-19, my husband and I couldnt go back to reunite with our family during
the Chinese New Year last year. We were very sad about this. But my husband and his mother spent
a pretty good time together at our home in the U.S. The day before Chinese New Year, my husband
and I drove to the Portland airport to pick up his mom. On February 1, 2022, the day of Chinese
New Year, the three of us went to the supermarket to buy a lot of ingredients, such as red
tablecloths, candles, and flowers to get ready for our New Years Eve dinner. Back in the afternoon,
we each had our own tasks. My husband was responsible for tidying up the tablecloth and inserting
the flowers into the vase. Mom was in charge of helping me wash the vegetables and prepare the
dishes we would use for dinner. I was making all the food and lighting the candles. After everything
was done, the New Years Eve dinner was ready. We took some photos together. Although not in
China, we had a happy Chinese New Year.
Written by: Bei Shi
Moving to the U.S.
When I moved to the U.S., I brought a backpack and two suitcases. Also I sent 12 more boxes
by ship. There were clothes, shoes, Japanese books, and ceramics. I was raised in Imari City. It is a
very famous ceramic city. I like ceramics very much. I collected many ceramics. I brought some of
my favorite ones with me. If I miss Japan and my city, I feel like home with my things here. Also, I
brought some photos. However, I always look at my phone photos. I came here just myself, but
fortunately I dont feel too sad and miss home because this is my new life with my husband. Even if I
didnt bring too many things, Im so happy to be with my husband.
Written by: Chie Kaneko
Tillamook Road
My trip to Tillamook was exciting because I saw beautiful plains and nice views. I saw a lot of
ranches. The weather was good. I stopped every time I saw a beautiful river. The road was
surrounded by trees. After 2 hours on the road, I came to Rockaway Beach, and I was there until I
saw the sun go down. I felt peaceful and enjoyed my short trip.
Written by: Nallelly Rodrigues
First Time in a Car Crash in the U.S.
This is my experience with a car crash in the U.S. I just had 1 year in the U.S. I bought my
first car here 6 months ago. In Mexico I used to have a car since I was 21 years old. In my country, I
had 3 different cars since I started to drive. I remember when my family taught me to drive. It was a
beautiful experience because every day a different person came to my home to give me a lesson for
one hour per day. They were always worried about security, so we always had car insurance. Now,
when I started to drive in the U.S., I bought car insurance. So the other day, in the parking lot, I
backed out and another car too, and we had a little car crash. It
was scary for me because I was never involved in an accident.
But the other had experience with that, so she told me what we
have to do. She made me feel comfortable and safe. Both of us
had full coverage, so we just did an insurance report, and the
insurance companies did the rest.
Written by: Celeste Carillo Granados
Sketch by Alexandra Salas
ESOL Level 2
ESOL Level 3 Students Write about Life in the U.S.
Packing for the USA
The first time when I came to the U.S., I brought 1 bag. My bag had curry paste, 1 set of
clothes, some local food, and a computer. My backpack had documents, my passport, a telephone,
and some money. So, I had a light bag because of my husbands advice. When I arrived, he took me
to buy new clothes. He told me if I brought clothes from Thailand, I cant wear them in Portland
because Portland is very cold, and Thailand is very hot.
You know, I had the most difficult thing to leave in Thailand. This was my children. So, the
first year when I came here, my husband and I worked very hard and worked every day to make
money. Then the second year, we were able to bring my children to the USA.
Written by: Pornchanok Phithakchatinon
In Portland I really like this place because there are some things that are very beautiful. The
mountains are a far away adventure and there are fresh winds. I love to visit Mt Hood and I like to
see all the rivers. One time we went driving with my friends and it was a sunny beautiful day. Selvin,
Luis and I went to visit the river. The directions werent good. There was so much snow. The car
stopped in the snow. Selvin and I pushed the car. Luis was driving. We were so hungry. Our shoes
and pants were wet. We went home and it was a sunny day. We always like to have fun here in
Written by: Juan Panjoj Larez
An ESOL Level 3 Student Writes about the differences between the U.S. and Peru
The culture is different in the United States. The
U.S. is very big. In the United States the people are nice,
but very reserved. Here the people have a lot of help
from the government and lots of opportunities to study.
Peru is small, but the people are very welcoming and
friendly. People in Peru tend to be more talkative and
open than in the United States. They are also more
expressive in feelings. They like to share a lot. I dont
have help from the government to study. The father or
mother have to pay for the study. Some children work
every day to help their mother and father. Some children
have money to pay. In Peru there are a lot of private
Written by: Lucia Valdez
ESOL Level 3 Students Write about their Favorite Season
We like the summer because we can go to the beach and we can go eat ice cream. We love ice
cream. Juan likes vanilla ice cream and Jennifer likes maracuya. We made a picture for you so you
can see the maracuya. We like to go hiking in the forest. We don't wear jackets. We like the morning
because the sun is up and beautiful.
Written by: Juan Alvarado & Jennifer Barbosa
A Poem by ESOL Level 3 Student: Da Li
To My Wife
How do I love you? Let me count the ways:
I love you more than I can say.
I love you as much as my health.
I love you so much that I cannot breathe.
I love you because you are my wife and you are my sunshine!
This illustration by:
Juan Panjoj Larez ESOL Level 3
Selvin Gutierrez Morales ESOL Level 3
Juan Jose Sop Yac ESOL Level 2
Juan Alvarado Joaquin ESOL Level 2
Maria Juan Bartolome ESOL Level 1
ESOL Level 4
Qualities to Be a Good Teacher
If you want to be a good teacher, here are some things to help you. First and most important
is being respectful with all your students. When you are respectful with your students, you get
respect too and this is really important to be successful as a teacher. Second, a good teacher always
listens to their students, and helps them individually but in class too. Sometimes some students are
ashamed in front of other students, so a good teacher knows how to listen in private. Third, good
teachers have a lot of patience with all their students and understand when something is wrong. A
good teacher is not only a teacher but also is a friend too, so his/her students feel they can trust
them. So if you want to be a good teacher, you need to work hard on these qualities.
Written by: Tania Gonzalez Martinez
How to Be a Skilled ESOL Student
Have you ever wondered what skills a good ESOL student needs and how hard he has to work
to learn a second language? First, in my opinion, the most important thing is to be enthusiastic
about learning because you can dedicate all the time you need with no pain and this makes studying
easier. Also, to be organized is important too. Organizing your time, your space and your materials
helps you with your lessons and your job in class. Next, concentration is necessary to be able to
memorize what you are studying. For example, you need to concentrate when you study irregular
verbs, and when you do the quiz exercises. In addition, the ability to study is important to apply the
study techniques. For example, using studying techniques, like writing the texts and difficult words
in your notebook, helps you memorize them. Last, being responsible when you attend classes and
when you do your homework is very important. In conclusion, working hard is very important to
learn a second language.
Written by: Juan de Grado
Long Way Home
For me, home is where my family lives. I moved to the U.S because they live here. I am not
married, so family is for me: my parents, my older sister with her husband, and nephews. I guess it is
important to live near your family especially when your parents are not young. I can take care of
them. Retired people need love, and care. I don't have a child, but I have two nephews. I didn't see
how they grew up. They have been living in the U.S. for nineteen years. Now I see two young men,
but to me they are still little boys. I am happy when I see them. I can share my love with them.
Family is a power, it is my wings. In hard times in my life I always knew that I am not alone. Their
support made me strong. It took me nineteen years to get home. Its been a long road, but now Im
Written by: Solomca Olga
My Hometown
Although I came to the United States, I think my hometown Guangzhou is the most special.
For example, there are three seasons of summer and one season of rain. There is beautiful scenery at
Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou. There are many places to visit there. For example, you can play
extreme sports, you can enjoy the flowers, you can overlook Guangzhou and so on. There are many
restaurants, but my favorite is Yum Cha. In conclusion, if you travel to Guangzhou, you can visit
Baiyun Mountain.
Written by: Yuting Luo
Sketch by Alexandra Salas
ESOL Level 2
Daniil Voronin: Vintage still life. Cardboard, Oil. 2010 35x25 cm
ESOL Level 5
The Best Gift Ever
When I was 7 years old, I got the best gift ever from my grandma. I remember when she spoke to me
and I couldn't understand her. My grandma just spoke Maya and she wanted to teach me her language. In the
beginning I was scared because the teacher just spoke Maya and I didnt understand anything and I felt
frustrated because I wanted to learn. The vowels are so hard to learn. Every afternoon when the class was
finished my grandmother tried to speak with me in Maya, and she helped me every day with my homework.
Always she made me feel so comfortable. Little by little I understood a little bit more every day. One year later
I understood a lot more Maya, but I couldnt speak like my grandma. Three years later, I can speak, read, write
and understand Maya. I felt so satisfied with my hard work. I thought when you are determined to do
something like learning a new language, art or anything else, you can do it, if you want. I admired my grandma
for giving me the best gift ever. Now I love every language and I focus on learning English like a native
person. I love to learn new languages. If I can do it, you can do it.
Written by: Charlie Navarro Guillen
ESOL Level 6
Time Lapse
For most people undoubtedly, childhood was the best time of their life because their main
focus is to worry about school, chores, and how to spend their free time, like it was for me. However,
childhood is different for my kids now because of the new ways that they are living their childhood
compared to my childhood based on school, chores, and free time.
First, school is an important part of every child's life. Elementary school was a journey for me.
Especially because I had to walk one mile every single morning to get there because there was no
school bus. Second, I had to wear a uniform everyday: some days an official uniform, and other days
a PE uniform. Also, there was no cafeteria or free lunch. I had to take a good breakfast before going
to school, or bring something with me for lunch time. Finally, there was no computer lab in my
school, so I did not have access to technology. However, elementary school now looks really different
for my kids starting with the way that they get to school. First, they have access to a school bus.
Second, some schools require uniforms, but most of them dont. Third, they have a cafeteria for no
cost, or they can have a reduced price for the cafeteria. Finally, my kids have a computer lab and
access to technology.
Chores for me were a big adventure. I had to work after school in a sewing factory Monday
through Saturday, so as soon as school finished, I always ran home to change my uniform. I
always ate something before I went to work. Sunday was my favorite day because there was no
school or work, and I could go to the main city to play soccer with my friends. On the other hand,
nowadays chores are very simple for my kids. They only need to worry about doing their homework,
cleaning their rooms, and taking out the garbage. These are easier tasks for them.
Free time was my favorite time. I did not have a lot of free time because I had to go to school
and work, but the way I spent my free time on Sundays was unique. I played soccer in three different
teams. One game in the morning, second in the afternoon, and finally the last one at night time. I
was the number one on my team. Conversely, the way that my kids have been spending their free
time is so different. They have the time to do whatever they want in their free time. Starting with
playing Legos, coloring, creations, slime, TV, and last but not least technology.
In conclusion, although childhood is an important part of our life, every kid has a different
way in how they live and spend their time in school, chores, and free time. In my opinion, I preferred
the childhood that I lived because It has been helping me to have a
successful life. About my kids childhood, I am happy that I can provide
them with what they need. The good advantage of technology that they have
these days and the support of their schools makes their lives easier.
Written by: Rosario Azpeitia
Learning a New Language is Gucci
Have you ever heard the word Gucci? If you are like me, you probably think about the fashion
brand, but it is also used to describe something nice and cool. Similarly, learning a second language
can be cool, but I know how it can be a struggle and difficult, especially when its time to have a
conversation with a native speaker. However, I will tell you some tips that could be helpful to
improve your speaking skills. There are three types of exercises that you can do, and they dont need
to be followed in a specific order.
The first exercise is to use an equal ratio, or in other words speak for the same amount of time
you watched or listened to an English program, so you can match your understanding with speaking
ability. For example, you can pick a short podcast and listen to it, then try to understand the topic
and the main idea, and at the end speak as much as you can trying to summarize and give your
Another type of practice is to learn and use a new word, concept, or idiom every single day,
and make this a habit for learning. Dont just memorize the word and then let it die in your brain.
Instead, you should try to use it in a conversation or talking by yourself out loud, and how it can be
related to your life. Likewise, at the end of the day you can practice summarizing what you did. In
particular, you can think of at least 5 things that you did. Maybe you start to imagine words and
sentences in your own languages, but force yourself to switch your ideas in English, and then speak
out loud trying to describe and explain everything that you have in your mind.
The last tip I would recommend to you is shadowing,and dont worry: it is nothing creepy
and complicated. It is a simple method that consists of listening to someone speaking and repeating
simultaneously what it was said, and it could be used for example while you are watching a video on
YouTube. This procedure is focused on improving your pronunciation and intonation because your
tongue is also a muscle, and it needs to be trained.
As you can see, these are just simple tips that I hope can help you to improve your speaking
abilities. In my own experience: just take your time, dont rush, dont be shy, make mistakes and
learn from it. A quote from Voltaire inspired me, which reads "don't let the perfect be the enemy of
the good."
Written by: Mirko Felicioni
Jaws Aquarium
Nowadays the number of families having pets is increasing because of the COVID-19. Dogs
and cats are popular pets, but some people want to have rare creatures. If you want a rare one, I
recommend sharks. I believe that they are one of the most rare pets in the world. Now I will tell you
how to keep sharks as pets. It has only three steps.
For the first step, you must prepare a big water tank. The bigger, the better for sharks. The
tank needs to be kept in a proper temperature, so you should put it inside a house or a garage. You
have to take into account the weight of the tank. Otherwise, the floor might fall off. If you are
thinking of remodeling your house, its a good idea to put the water tank under the living room.
Then, you can have a happy time with sharks whenever you are in the living room.
The second step is to prepare saltwater. As you know, sharks live in seawater, so you need a
huge amount of artificial saltwater. You can use seawater as well if you live near the sea. In either
case, be sure to install a filter to the tank because the water must be clean at all times.
Now that you have prepared, lets finally put the sharks in the water tank! There is one thing
you should not do at this step. Never put other fish in the same tank. Sharks are willing to eat them.
After putting the sharks in, you may feed them. When preparing shark food, you should go to a
supermarket instead of a pet shop because most pet shops dont sell shark food. To be honest, they
love eating sea lions, but it would be impossible to get them. So instead, you can get raw fish in the
To summarize, you can be a sharks owner if you follow these steps. You can see sharks
anytime you want without going to the sea or an aquarium. In addition, you may feel like a celebrity.
I promise that you can enjoy a home party with your Jaws aquarium.
Written by: Wakako Yatabe
ESOL Level 7
The Illumination Project: A Summary-Response
The Illumination Project is a theater program at Portland Community College that promotes
student leadership, discusses social topics, and more. It is an innovative theater program that
enhances social justice. This is a project of the Sylvania Women's Resource Center. Lady Likeis
about a girl whose name is Katherine and experiences sexism. Her father abused her and strangers
discriminated against her, attacking her with words.
Sexism is real in society and we can't ignore it, but many people don't realize it. The girl in the
play experiences sexism, and her reaction is the same experience that many girls have had. How to
view this problem? How to solve this problem? Some classmates who are in my writing class directly
refuted sexism and told the person in their own strong language that it was wrong to do so. Some
students spoke with softer language to gently remind others. In any case, we are aware of the
existence of this sexism, and we are actively looking for ways to solve it. This is a very exciting place.
I enjoyed this show so much, and it made me realize two problems. First, how do you view
sexism, and what should we do if we see others suffering from sexism? Second, what should we do if
we experience gender discrimination? There are jobs that both men and women can hold, but
companies prefer to choose men. Because women go through the process of getting married and
becoming pregnant, the company needs to continue to pay them during their maternity leave.
Therefore, many companies are reluctant to recruit female employees. In China, some companies
ask women when they are recruiting, if they plan to get married and have children in a short period
of time, if they plan to get a boyfriend, and so on. If the girl's answer is Yes”, then she will lose the
job. In order not to be fired, many women will not get
pregnant or have boyfriends. If this happens to me, how
do I fix it? My answer is that you must resist, and you
must speak out to protect your rights. If you can
communicate and solve it yourself, that's great. If you
can't, you must find a lawyer to protect your rights.
Gender discrimination is a historical issue. It will take a
long time for us to completely solve it. For our common
interests, we all need to work together.
Written by: Nikki Li
Change to a New Life or Stay The Same
On a sunny Monday in August 2015, my phone was beeping. I got a new message from the UN
saying that my case was accepted, and I had to be ready to move. Could you imagine yourself living
in the same house for 9 years with no change in your routine? Do you think its easy to have a new
home with a new life and new skills? For me, it was really difficult to make a decision when I decided
to change not only my home but also my country as well. That is what I faced when I decided to move
to the United States.
I had a wonderful job when I was in Kuwait, which is why it was difficult for me to decide if I
wanted to stay or leave. I was a teacher in a bilingual school, and earned good money from it. My
kids were students with me in the same school, and my husband, who was an interpreter, had a great
job too. We lived in Kuwait for nine years after we had moved from Iraq, from 2005 to 2015. It
seemed that we had a great, perfect life, but in fact it was not. Kuwait was not our country and the
Kuwaiti government could have canceled our residence at any time. Moreover, we couldnt visit our
family in Iraq because my husband had worked with the U.S. Army during the Gulf War before we
moved to Kuwait, and he could have been killed if he entered there by the militia. Having good jobs
was not enough to have a perfect life. Moving to the United States would give us hope for a future
and a better life for my kids. They could get a good education, we would have insurance and a safe
life. We could also visit our country after we became U.S. citizens. The advantages of moving to the
United States would be a lot.
On the other hand, we would face a lot of challenges when we moved, like language, the
culture, work, etc. We had to decide between the two lives. Should we stay with good jobs and in
Arabic culture, or move and start a new different life? My husband and I started thinking about what
was most important to our family. Was it the money and living in a country similar to ours without
safety, or living in a safe place and gaining the best life and future for our kids with challenges? Then
we made a decision: safety is the most important. We left everything behind us and looked forward
to a new life and a safe home for our kids. All challenges became easier after a few months.
In closing, that experience was not easy for us. Changing homes and moving to another
country was a difficult decision, especially when you have a good life. You have to look for
advantages and compare the two lives. At the same time, it was a good lesson for me. If you find
yourself in a difficult situation, and you have to make a
decision, dont be afraid and always choose the right
thing, even if its difficult.
Written by: Halah Aljumaah