Mercer counTy courT news
Dist. Criminal
The following cases are
on record in the Mercer
County Circuit Court
clerk’s office:
(Editors Note: The fol-
lowing abbreviations appear
throughout court news: ADE
- alcohol and drug education
Dana Ammons, no/
expired registration plates,
$25 fine; failure to maintain
insurance, 10 days to serve,
probation one year; driv-
ing on a suspended/revoked
license, 20 days to serve, pro-
bation one year (concurrent),
failure to appear, 10 days
to serve, probation one year
Jeremiah Shane Goff, dis-
regarding traffic light, $25
Darren W. Gibbs, local
county ordinance, $50 fine.
Shelby Taylor Brummett,
driving under the influence,
$200 fine, ADE, license sus-
pended six months.
Russell Gibson, posses-
sion of a controlled substance
not in its original container,
$50 fine; DUI, $350 fine,
ADE, license suspended 18
months, 14 days to serve.
Angie Souvenier, 2nd
degree criminal mischief,
$200 fine.
Brandon L. Thompson,
speeding 25 MPH over the
posted limit, $50 fine; fail-
ure to produce insurance, $50
fine; reckless driving, $200
fine; driving on a suspended
license, 30 days to serve, pro-
bation one year.
The following property
transfers are on record in
the Mercer County Clerk’s
Shonna R. Rice, execu-
tor of the Estate of Dorcas
Irene Blackwell, to Thomas
Lee Blackwell, property
located in Mercer County,
estimated fair market value
of $142,704.
Elite Property Group
LLC to Serkan and Amanda
Ureten, property located in
Mercer County, $508,099.
Justin Floyd to Maya
Nicole Ray and Dalton Allen
Miles, property located at 314
East Office Street, $199,900.
Mary Elizabeth and
Andrew Stine to Doanle E.
Hernandez and Stephanie R.
Pilkington, property located
at 382 Vanarsdall Drive,
Gina Ann and Tyler
Douglas Jenkins to Brittany
Morgan Layne, property
located in Mercer County,
William and Cori Yeager
to Anna P. Mattingly, proper-
ty located at 225 West Court
Street, Burgin, $230,000.
Larry D. Catlett, Master
Commissioner of the Mercer
Circuit Court to U.S. Bank
National Association, prop-
erty located at 524 Allah
Avenue, $71,568.09.
Orlando Mays to Hobert
W. Jackson, property locat-
ed at 543 Cogar Avenue,
The Estate of John
D. Murphy to Michael E.
Murphy, trustee of the
Murphy Family Revocable
Trust, property located in
Mercer County, $95,000.
Aspen Property Group
LLC to Noah Lair, prop-
erty located at 310 South
Magnolia Street, $139,900.
AFI001 LLC to North
Mercer Development LLC,
properties located at 555,
551, 547, 543, 539 and 535
Robb Road, $300,000.
Rachel L. and Jonathan
Ryan Albright to Logan
Joe David and Taylor
Worthington Bustle, property
located in Mercer County,
Brian C. Hisel to Devin
and Megan Sturgill, property
located in Mercer County,
The Estate of Bush Lewis
Tribble Jr. to Chad and
Kathryn Rudolph, property
located in Mercer County,
Connie Mink, Michaela
Howard, John B. Mink and
Zachary S. Mink, the execu-
tors of the Estate of John Earl
Mink, to John Brady Mink,
property located in Mercer
County, $220,000.
Connie Mink, Michaela
Howard, John B. Mink and
Zachary S. Mink, the execu-
tors of the Estate of John Earl
Mink, to Zachary S. Mink,
property located in Mercer
County, $250,000.
Robert S Bennett III, and
John Schanz, executors of the
Estate of Robert S. Bennett
Jr., and John C. Tschanz,
Executor of the Estate of
Melanie F. Tschanz, to Robert
S. Bennett III and John C.
Tschanz, property located in
Mercer County, fair market
value of $185,000.
Jeffrey Lynn and Alta
Mae Core to Vernon Lee
and Lauren Brittany Chase,
property located in Mercer
County, $15,514.
Condit Mink to Aspen
Property Group LLC, proper-
ty located on the west side of
Marimon Avenue, $20,000.
Condit R. Mink to Aspen
Property Group LLC, prop-
erty located on the east side
of East Street, $30,000.
Connie Mink to Aspen
Property Group LLC, prop-
erty located on the south side
of Cane Run Street, $70,000.
Daniel H. and Danelle
Groves to ATM Legacy
LLC, two parcels of property
located in Mercer County,
Joshua B. and Allison
Hazelwood to Erica Rae and
Reiss Braden Baxter, two
parcels of property located
in Mercer County, $960,000.
Michael Dean Hatchel,
Executor of the Estate
of Mary Agnes Hatchel,
to Bryce Logan Hatchel,
property located at 1381
Mackville Road, fair cash
value of $94,494.
Laurence Bitensky and
Kitty Belva Flewelling to
Dan and Jonathan Elliott,
property located in Mercer
County, $460,000.
Elite Property Group
LLC to North Mercer
Development LLC, property
located in Mercer County,
fair cash value of $30,000.
Stone Oak Estates LLC
to Laural Ray and Emily D.
Daniels, property located in
Mercer County, $35,000.
The following civil cases
were filed at the Mercer
County Circuit Clerk’s
One Main Financial
Group LLC vs. Kaitlyn M.
Mount, $7,223.50 plus any
and all other relief.
The Estate of Dennis Tyler
et al., vs. Trilogy Healthcare
of Mercer d.b.a. the Willows
at Harrodsburg, Trilogy
Investors LLC, Trilogy
Management Services LLC,
Trilogy Healthcare Centers
LLC, Trilogy Health Services
LLC, Trilogy Rehab Services
LLC, Trilogy Holdings LLC,
Trilogy OpCo LLC, Paragon
Rehabilitation Inc. and
Raintree Health LLC d.b.a.
Mercer County EMS, judg-
ment against all defendants
for compensatory and puni-
tive damages, plus any and
all other relief.
Capital One vs. Jacquelyn
N. Hobbs, $5,836.02 plus any
and all other relief.
The following cases have
been or are currently being
investigated by the Mercer
County Sheriffs Office
(MCSO) or Harrodsburg
Police Department (HPD).
The information is drawn
from police reports and pub-
lic records at Boyle County
Detention Center (BCDC).
Anyone with information on
cases still under investiga-
tion is urged to contact the
HPD at 859-734-5120 or
the MCSO at 859-734-4221.
Unless otherwise noted, all
subjects are being held at
All charges are merely
allegations. All defendants are
presumed innocent until proven
guilty beyond reasonable doubt
in a court of law.
Tuesday, April 23
• Gretchen Nicole Fulton,
24, of Harrodsburg, was
arrested and
charged with
1st degree
wanton endan-
germent and
possession of
drug parapher-
nalia. Arrest:
Cpl. Chase Hale (HPD).
Bond: $5,000.
Wednesday, April 24
• Mary Anna Simpson, 49,
of Harrodsburg, was arrested
and charged
with 1st degree
possession of
amine. Arrest:
Erin Rice
(HPD). Bond:
• Christopher Luke
36, of
was served
with a warrant
for contempt of
court (HPD).
No bond.
• Steven Curtis Releford,
44, of Harrodsburg, was
served with a warrant for
failure to
appear by Sgt.
Sean Brown
(MCSO). No
• Megan
Rae Marlow,
35, of
was arrested and charged with
public intoxication on a con-
trolled substance—excludes
alcohol. Arrest: Patrolwoman
Erin Rice (HPD). Released
pril 25.
Thursday, April 25
• Frank Ray Blevins, 40,
of Harrodsburg, was served
with warrants for failure to
appear and probation viola-
tion for a felony offense by
Patrolman Pater (Danville
Police Department). Released
on recognizance.
Friday, April 26
Alison Starr Hume, 40,
of Harrodsburg, was served
with warrants for 1st degree
possession of methamphet-
amine and fail-
ure to appear
by Patrolman
Austin Price
(HPD). Bonds:
April 27
• James William Marlow
Jr., 41, of Harrodsburg, was
arrested and charged with 1st
degree possession of meth-
amphetamine, vehicle a noisy
nuisance etc. and improper
signal. Arrest: Patrolman
Hunter Kelly (HPD). Released
on a $5,000 bond.
Sunday, April 28
• Frank M. Rose, 53, of
Harrodsburg, was served with
a warrant for failure to appear
by Cpl. Chase Hale (HPD).
Released on a $1,000 bond.
Monday, April 29
• Megan Rae Marlow, 34,
of Harrodsburg, was arrested
and charged with trafficking in
carfentanil or fentanyl deriva-
tives, 1st degree trafficking in
methamphetamine, trafficking
in heroin and pos
session of
drug paraphernalia. Arrest:
Cpl. Chase Hale (HPD).
Bond: $10,000.
Police News
All real estate advertised
on The Harrodsburg
Herald website or in our
newspaper is subject to
the Federal Fair Housing
Act of 1968, which makes
it illegal to advertise any
preference, limitation or
discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status
or national origin, or in-
tention to make any such
preferences, limitations or
discrimination. State laws
forbid discrimination in the
sale, rental or advertising
of real estate based on
factors in addition to those
protected under federal
law. We will not knowingly
accept any advertising for
real estate which is in vio-
lation of the law. All per-
sons are hereby informed
that all dwellings adver-
tised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
To complain of discrimina-
tion, call HUD toll free at
1-800-669-9777. The toll
free telephone number
for the hearing impaired
is 1-800-927-9275. Equal
Housing Opportunity
Lost and Found ............................ 01
Personal ....................................... 02
Announcements ........................... 03
Help Wanted ................................ 04
Want To Do .................................. 05
Business Offers ............................ 06
Sporting Goods ............................ 07
Auto Sales ................................... 08
Auto Service ................................ 09
Household Goods ........................ 10
Misc. For Sale .............................. 11
Yard Sales ................................... 12
Want To Buy................................. 13
Services Offered .......................... 14
Pets ............................................. 15
Farm Misc. ................................... 16
Farm Animals ............................... 17
Farm Service ............................... 18
Property For Sale ......................... 19
Want To Rent ............................... 20
For Rent/Lease ............................ 21
Mobile Homes .............................. 22
Posted .......................................... 23
Legal Notices ............................... 24
$1.00 BUNDLE
The Harrodsburg Classifieds
LeMayne Ellis, DVM
Bluegrass Animal Hospital
210 Morris Drive, Harrodsburg, Ky.
Grooming by Amanda
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:00;
Sat. 9:00-12:00
Phone 734-5546
FOR Rent – 2 bdrm
townhouse, no pets,
$700 mo., $700, 859-
GRAVEL and top soil for
sale - 859-325-1726.
CALL 859-734-2726 to
place a classified ad.
• Lawn Care
• Tree Trimming
& Removal
•Custom Decks
• Skid Steer
Give us a call for all your
outdoor services
Pursuant to Judgments and Orders of Sale entered in the following civil actions, the
Master Commissioner of the Mercer Circuit Court shall sell at absolute public auction the fol-
lowing real properties located in Mercer County, Kentucky:
Case Name
Property Address or
PVA Parcel ID*
US Bank National Association v
Barbara Pittman et al
420 English Avenue
PVA Map ID: 100.15-03008.00
Kentucky Housing Corp v William
1061 Deep Creek Road
fka 514 Deep Creek Road
PVA Map ID: 018.00-00026.02
PennyMac Loan Services v Christie
Turner and Michael Turner et al
567 Cornishville Street
PVA Map ID: 100.50-03008.00
*The full legal description and additional information on each property and sale
are available in the Office of the Master Commissioner at 134 South Main Street,
Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
Time and Place of Sale: The sales shall be conducted at the front door of the Mercer County
Judicial Center, 224 South Main Street, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky on THURSDAY,
MAY 16, 2024 at the hour of 12:00 noon (local time prevailing).
Purpose of Sale: The sales are conducted to obtain the principal balance due Plaintiff or oth-
ers in each case plus interest, attorneys fees, court costs, any sums expended by Plaintiff or
others for insurance, ad valorem taxes or for preservation of the real estate until date of sale,
fees and costs of the Master Commissioner, and, to bar and foreclose all rights, claims, liens
and equity of redemption of all named parties or persons claiming by and through them.
Terms and Conditions Applicable to All Sales
Terms of Sale: The last and highest bidder will be the successful bidder. At the time of sale
the successful bidder shall either pay full cash or make a deposit of 10% of the purchase price
with the balance on credit for 30 days. If the purchase price is not paid in full, the successful
bidder shall execute a bond at the time of sale with sufficient surety approved by the Master
Commissioner prior to the sale to secure the unpaid balance of the purchase price. The bond
shall bear interest at the rate specified in the judgment from the date of sale until paid. In the
event the successful bidder is the plaintiff, then in lieu of the 10% deposit the plaintiff shall be
allowed to bid on credit up to their judgment amount but shall pay the $2,500.00 sale deposit.
Contingencies: The property is sold without warranty of title and by the boundary with the
Purchaser assuming any contingency of acreage and subject to any restrictions, easements,
covenants or conditions of record or apparent from a visual inspection and assessments for
public improvements levied against the aforesaid described real estate, if any.
Risk of Loss: Purchaser shall assume the risk of loss at the time of sale and shall thereafter
be solely responsible for any loss or liability in connection with the subject property.
Taxes: Delinquent ad valorem taxes, if any, shall be paid from the proceeds of the sale and the
purchaser shall pay the 2024 ad valorem taxes.
Possession: Purchaser shall have possession of the property upon payment of the purchase
price in full and confirmation of sale by the Court.
Jeff L. Dotson Larry D. Catlett
Mercer Circuit Judge Master Commissioner, 859/734-3767
3 bedroom, 1 bath,
1400 sq. ft. house
in center of town.
$850 a month,
$1600 deposit.
No pets.
Background check.
For Rent
Misc. For Sale
NOTICE – Check your ad for
accuracy. The Harrodsburg
Herald will not be respon-
sible for errors after the first
printing. 859-734-2726.